The Western Wall, at last

Ladies pray on the right, men on the left side.  They write down their prayers and put them inside any crevice they can find in this ancient wall made of limestone in hopes that Jesus will hear and answer them.  Everyday people from each and every faith come here, to stand, to pray, grieve, mourn, cry, hope, to dream and to believe that one day everything will be realized and explained.  It is a place of solace despite all the people that surround you, a place where you can be with just one, you’re able to express your anger and rage, your joy and sorrow.  You find forgiveness and praise, love and sympathy hoping you will find answers and hope.

Each one of us want to find that happiness and we stand side by side to understand each other, our own fears, hopes and dreams.  We share our beliefs and showing respect when they differ.  So often that one person you think you’ll have nothing in common with is that one person that could change your life and you their’s. 

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People are always asking why do you keep traveling to these poor Central and South American countries what could I possibly have in common with them and my answer is always everything because it is the people in these countries that have changed my life more than any other.

 Growing up we always had food on the table, a roof over our head and clothes on our back – we weren’t eating steak each night, living in a mansion or wearing clothing by the top designer, but we these three things so many of the men, women and children want but most likely won’t.  It is their faith that bind them because so many don’t always have food to eat, or a home and clothing no person should be have to wear.  They’re waiting for the day when the question they ask everyday – ‘what happened to me?’ will be answered hoping and believing that better is possible.

So often religion is used as a reason to commit acts of violence against humanity.  But when you stand in front of a site that doesn’t discriminate, where it doesn’t matter your religion, ethnicity, color, creed, if you are rich or poor.  A place where perfection is not expected, mistakes are forgiven, a place where all religions for a moment can be one and stand together, when you are able to find that place, embrace, cherish, worship it, and for those that make it to Jerusalem go and stand at the Western Wall.

As always thanks for reading,




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