The Amalfi Coast

Benvenuti in Costiera Amalfitana/Welcome to the Almafi Coast


One thing travel will always be is indescribable.  The pictures I post, the words I write will never do justice to any place I visit or you visit.  So often we’ve seen pictures of that place, a youtube video or we read an article it is still indescribable because we will all have our own reaction.  Places some rave about you may find average or even boring as I too have experienced that more times than I can count but the Amalfi Coast was not among them – for me it was forty three miles of amazing!!!!


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Everyday I walked out of my hotel was I was looking at a picture perfection, the place where you could sit for the entire day and night in awe of the sprawling mountains and in between these mountains are the tiny villages.  All of it looking out onto a sea of crystal clear waters. Houses that have sat on cliffs high up into the heavens for centuries looking as if the slightest tremble would send them crashing in the ocean.


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The narrow streets that wrap the coast are narrow and winding shared by all forms of transportation from two feet to four wheels and everything in between. Walking or riding along this coast is simply breathtaking and dangerous there are spots there are no sidewalks and twists and turns where you can’t  see what will be coming around any corner until your face to face with it.   Ravello, a village perched high above the Amalfi with breathtaking views of everything, it sits high on Villa Cimbrone, a medieval-style estate and because it was winter there were very few people who made my visit all the more tranquil. After an hour enjoying the Ravello I made my way to the city center of Amafli.  It is the largest city, and as intimate as your smallest town. The Amalfi Coast is absolute perfection. 

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