‘what’s love got to do with it?

In 1984 Tina Turner asked the world ‘what’s love go to do with’?  Over the years people have asked me why do I travel so often?  ‘Another trip? – you just got back from one.’  ‘Why would you ever visit this country or that country?’  ‘It’s this or that’  ‘Why, why, why?!!!  When it comes to travel love is the reason.  A love for adventure, other cultures and ways of life.  A love for the excitement and challenge that travel is – A love history, art and fine food or you have a love nature and the outdoors and the multitudes that keep us going on these amazing journey’s.  But it the rarest of journey’s where love finds us and someone has entered our life that will change it and you forever.

One of the greatest things about travel is the people you meet along the way and we don’t realize it is the smallest decisions that make the biggest impact.  You choose one restaurant over another, when you board bus, train or boat and you sit in the last seat instead of the first.  You show too up early or too late for lunch, choose the other cafe -you do this over that – visit this country instead of another – a simple hello, good morning, afternoon or evening can change your life forever because you met him or her.

You start a conversation with someone in the cafe and they invite you to lunch.  The person at he table next to yours is eating alone and you invite them to sit with you (as a solo traveler that has happened to me on a few occasions).  You are celebrating a birthday and a complete stranger sings ‘happy birthday’.    A person needs help with directions and you help them – and when you ask ‘where are you from?’ and everything changes because you have been to their country.  It doesn’t matter where, when or how but when the person you are meant to be with enters your life.  It happens because it was meant to be.


Fate: the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.


I will always believe that we don’t meet a person by accident.  I could’ve sat next to anyone on the bus the day in Tel Aviv when I went to Jerusalem but I chose to sit next an 18 year old Israeli soldier.  And to this day anytime I hear or read anything about Israel he is and always will be the only person I think of.  My trips to Budapest, Florence and Basel people entered my life that are still a big part of it all because of fate.

But it would my trip Medellin, Colombia in March of 2015 that would change my life forever.  And I met the person I have fallen in love with and over these three years this long distance relationship has only gotten stronger through visits, text messages and emails.  I am even learning Spanish again so one day we will no longer need google translate. 

Two people from two different countries, speaking two different languages living on two different continents coming from two completely different back round’s have an amazing and beautiful relationship that is real, strong and it is solid.  So many believe that long distance relationships can never last and we have proved them wrong and I am sure many that read this have done the same. 

You know it is true love when you are ready to give it all up and move to their country because short vacations, text and emails aren’t enough anymore.  You need to be with and see each other every single day.    

The beautiful thing about love, it is blind, it doesn’t see race, religion or ethnicity, it doesn’t see rich and it doesn’t see poor.  Love doesn’t see different languages, countries or continents.  It doesn’t see beauty and it doesn’t see ugly and it doesn’t see age because all of these things are in our eyes, we see all of this and because it is true love we too are blind because not a single one of them are important to us because we have fallen in love.

So what does love have to do with it –  When it comes to travel – EVERYTHING!!!!!


Please share your stories, those of you that met your soul mate in another country, the person that captured your soul and you fell in love with to the point that you gave it all up to be with the.  And as always thanks for reading,




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